Department of Developmental Services website page:

Department of Developmental Services telephone number:

COVID-19 Message

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation during this crisis. Our goal is to minimize any disruption of service. We are remaining open for business; however, our business will be conducted very differently for everyone’s safety.
We will be in contact with you via phone, skype, zoom and other use of technology to provide skill training instructions while maintaining the "stay at home order".
Please call 1-800-967-2955 if you have questions.


Get Appointment

  • +(123)-456-7890

About Us


Our Program Philosophy

Our organization's philosophy is that "when support improves, outcomes will increase". At some point in our various lives our abilities will diminish and we may need to depend on others or tools to get by, engage, fit in or make defining decisions that affect our lives. We are all interdependent on natural supports, paid supports or tech supports.

We are not a "one-size-fits-all" program, We listen to individual needs, explore and present practical options based on interest and capability, we educate and encourage participation in the choice process and together we design an action plan. This involved process is expected to increase satisfaction as well as enhance the quality of life, one at a time.

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Why Choose Us?

We are a Person-centered services and support organization. Supporting individuals to envision a life of dreams, hopes and possibilities, based on interests, needs, culture and preferences. .

Whether disabilities include physical, mental, medical or behavioral limitations, on a short or long term basis, we assist individuals in leaning practical and appropriate behavior skills so they are able to function to the best of their abilities without suffering prejudice, discrimination or isolation in their community.

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Our Curriculum

Our organization has embraced Employment First Policy because of the conviction that everyone has the right to dream, desire economic independence if given the opportunity and with the right support. Our curriculum is customized to meet individual's need based on Important to and Important for and the support needed to find a balance.
Ideal Program Organization provides services to adults diagnosed with developmental disabilities and behavioral disorders. We believe all individuals, regardless of the extent of disability is capable of optimum development if adequate and appropriate training is provided in a less restrictive environment.

What We Offer

  • Independent Living Services (I.L.S.)
    The strength of our Program is Listening, Caring and Supporting lives through skill training, education and empowerment. We are an advocate for Consumer/Client Rights, Informed Choices, independence, relationships, lifestyles, community integration and of course their health & Safety, because we believe in them.
  • Adults Day Skills Training Center
    Like everyone, people with disabilities want their needs met too, some basic and some challenging, but not unattainable.
  • Behavior Management and Skills Training Center
    We believe that individuals with disabilities are capable of learning and can do so at their own pace, with adequate support, to achieve desired goal which brings them satisfaction.
  • Supported Living Services (S.L.S)
    Our Program is not "one-size-fits-all", we embrace and respect the individuality of each Consumer. We expose them to various creative options that will enable them to explore their passion and once identified, we make it happen.
  • Community Volunteering / Integration
    Our dedicated and caring staff members are trained to assist each Consumer in learning any age appropriate, meaningful activity that can add value to their lives.
  • Transportation Services for our Consumers ONLY
    We utilize different tools to enhance their knowledge and practice of daily living skills and we pride ourselves with creating a happy environment where they thrive, interact, discover themselves and appreciate a sense of belonging.
  • Ideal Worx - Employment
    “Inclusion or exclusion of the specific term ‘Employment First’ does not determine whether a public system or agency has adopted Employment First principles. Such a determination can only be made in examining whether the underlying policies, procedures and infrastructure are designed for and ultimately result in increased integrated employment in the general workforce for citizens with disabilities”
  • Senior Community Engagement Program (SCEP)
    With good information, proper guidance and nurtured personalized support from Ideal staff, our consumers are able to choose where, how and with whom they live. It's about their preference!